twitterI love this; sitting by the window and working. I love looking outside at the street; life is going on and I am part of it, without really being part of it. People are crossing the street, children are leaving school and boy they are loud, but makes me smile. Buses slow down to stop and I can spy on the passengers. They have no idea I am watching them.

I just moved to San Francisco and that was a deal all to itself. I was kind of planning to move – in my head; didn’t know where and didn’t know when. I wasn’t sure about moving to SF because EVERYBODY and their sisters told me that I can’t get a place with all the things I wanted, in San Francisco: You can’t live close to the ocean, shops, bus stops, etc.! So, I decided to get a place for a year and then find the right place!

I am crying now;  tears of joy. Feeling blessed. I just wanted to taste life sitting by the window, working, writing and people watching; I wanted to be able to walk to bus stations, shops and grab a cup of coffee, simple pleasures. Now I can. Then I remembered: I had all these all written down and completely forgot about it 😛

I don’t know about you, but I feel like my whole life has been like a dream. Not fairy tales, mind you, and not all pleasant, but just like a dream. You know how in your dream, in one scene you are doing something and in the other, you are doing something totally different, or you are someone else? I have no idea what happened. I remember making plans, then something else would show up and I would get completely derailed. Back to making plans and there it was; something else would show up. Looking back, there was no way I could’ve planned it all this way, but I do know it would’ve not been like this without my participation, my thinking, wanting, and without my plans written down even if not all came true.

Universe and goals: Recently, in a coaching session, my client told me that she was confused between setting goals, planning, executing, etc. vs. leave it to the universe, be present and let things unfold as they should. She almost felt guilty having goals!

Well, to be honest, I was confused by this and many other topics for a long time. For example, set your goal high, aim for the moon, take a giant leap, vs. you don’t need much to be happy, set reasonable goals, take small steps, money doesn’t bring happiness, things work themselves out, etc.

I told her what I know to be my truth and works for me. I am a planner. I actually love planning. Do I achieve all my goals? No. Do I set unreasonable goals? Yes! It is more exciting to me and it all depends how you define reasonable? I don’t recommended it for everyone, especially, if you get easily disappointed. ? Do I give it my best all the time? No! And, again, it all depends how you define “your” best. Does it piss me off that I don’t follow my plan and get distracted? Yes! And we all know how that is defined 🙄

Here is the difference: I set my goals and plan. I do “my” best and then I let it go. That is the part you leave to universe, or God (if you believe.) By doing that, you accept that you are responsible for what you want; you plan, it get submitted to your conscious and subconscious mind; you work, and then you surrender to the results. In Other words, you don’t beat yourself up all the time for not achieving your goals. BTW, that was my specialty!! I still do that sometimes when I get distracted from what is real in my life.

People say: things work themselves out. Of course they do! Everything ends. The question is: would you be happy no matter what the result? If not, then you’ve got to plan and execute. And, if it doesn’t work, do something about it, but in peace! That’s the key. That’s called surrender.

My Bucket List: I am back from everywhere; Moved from San Jose (check!), from Machu Picchu (check!), from trip to Europe with my family (check!), from Jose’s market downstairs (check!,) and I am here in San Francisco now, check and check! Wow! These were all in my bucket list. I know I got lucky. And, I am not mentioning them here to impress you, but rather to impress upon you that things can happen if you write them down, talk about it to others, and plan for them. Google it! Writing your goals creates a connection between conscious and subconscious mind.

I see everything as oh wow! I know I am blessed and I can see how it all can END IN A SECOND. And, I don’t care. I can’t care, really. I am forever grateful for now and that’s my only possession that I value.  I am a dreamer and I write them down and I just do my best.

When you plan, you have hope. When you have hope, you become alive.

Question: have you written down what you like to be, do, and have? You should. What do you have to lose? If nothing else, you’d look at it 10 years from now and wonder. And, if Universe is going to grant  your wishes, don’t you think writing them down makes it much easier? I’d love to hear your stories on this subject.